AtlanticWave is
a distributed international exchange and peering
fabric along the Atlantic coast of North and South
connects the key exchange points on the U.S. East
• International Exchange
Points: MANLAN in NYC and AMPATH in Miami
• MAX gigapop and NGIX-East in Washington,
• SoX gigapop in Atlanta
The AtlanticWave
partners of the collaboration are:
• Southeastern Universities Research
Association, Inc. (SURA)
• Florida International University (FIU) on behalf
of AMPATH (the AmericasPATH project) in Miami
• University of Maryland on behalf of the Mid-Atlantic
Crossroads GigaPOP (MAX) and NGIX-East, operating
in College Park Maryland
• Southern Light Rail (SLR), Inc. on behalf of Southern
Crossroads (SoX), operating in Atlanta, Georgia
• Internet2 (in collaboration with the Internet Education
Equal Access Foundation – IEEAF, Indiana
University, and NYSERNet), on behalf of Manhattan
Landing (MAN LAN), operating in New York City,
New York.
• Florida LambdaRail (FLR)
• The International Educational Equal Access Foundation